Singapore researchers said on Monday they had made a key finding which could improve brain cancer treatment.

Tests on the most common type of influenza found in Chinese pigs reveal that it has the potential to transmit easily in humans, posing a pandemic threat similar to the virus that triggered a pandem

Most studies of delayed tuberculosis diagnosis focus on the adverse effect of time elapsed between the onset of symptoms to reaching diagnosis and subsequent patient outcomes and control of communi

For the first time a team of Australian scientists have revealed how malaria parasites cause an inflammatory reaction that sabotages the human body's ability to protect itself and fight against the

Shandong Eye Institute, east China, announced Monday the successful transplant of a bio-engineered pig cornea into a human eye in late September.

An effective vaccine to protect against the Mers virus is a step closer, a report in the journal Science suggests.

Environmental factors such as sunshine and tobacco smoke cause more cancers than random DNA mutations, researchers have affirmed — contesting another team's conclusions that "bad luck" was mainly t

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have identified a new life cycle stage in HIV infection, thanks to a novel technique they developed to take images of intact infected c

An estimated 161 million children around the world are chronically malnourished, or stunted. Lack of food and nutrients severely harm children's development.

The first full-scale genomic analysis of the Ebola virus has been performed.
