Mining companies commit environmental crimes such as contamination of water bodies with chemicals such as cyanide and mercury and air pollution caused by blasting and chimney smoke
The country's $1 billion gold production sector is under threat from the Minamata Convention that seeks to ban the use of mercury, a major chemical used by artisanal miners to trap the mineral from
Kampala — The next time you buy fish from the market it might contain harmful traces of mercury, the environmental watchdog, National Environment Management Authority (Nema) has warned in a new rep
A new study, supported by the Minamata Convention’s Interim Secretariat hosted by UN Environment, reveals that women of childbearing age living in four Pacific Island countries have elevated levels of mercury in their bodies.
Kadoma — Studies have revealed high traces of mercury metal in women's breast milk and fish in the gold mining areas of Kadoma and Chakari, exposing to risk the lives of children and people in surr
South Kordofan / East Darfur — Residents in Kordofan and Darfur states have filed new complaints against the use of mercury, cyanide and other harmful substances in areas of gold and oil exploratio