The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/142, provides an overview of the situation of persons with disabilities, including in the light of the global response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis, recovery and building back better towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable world.

Targeted measures are needed to address the disproportionate risks faced by persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting the UN Human Rights Office to publish a guidance note for States and other stakeholders on COVID-19 and the human rights of persons with disabilities.Many persons with disabilities have pre-existing health

National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has conducted a Survey of Persons with Disabilities during July 2018 to December 2018 as a part of 76th round of National Sample Survey (NSS). Prior to this, survey on the same subject was carried out by NSO during the 58th round (July-December 2002).

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Rajive Raturi Vs Union of India & Others dated 15/01/2019. The SC had had passed the judgment and order dated 15.12.2017 whereby the States as well as the Union Territories were directed to file plans for accessibility in the built environment, transportation systems, and information and communication services for persons suffering from different disabilities.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Rajive Raturi Vs Union of India & Others dated 25/07/2018 regarding the benefits and facilities that are to be provided to the persons suffering from various kinds of disabilities under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Supreme Court in its Judgement dated 15.12.2017 had given eleven directions which were to be complied with by the Central Government as well as State Governments for implementing various provisions of the Disabilities Act, 2016.

Osteoporosis (OP) has been defined as a degenerative bone disease characterised by low bone mass and microstructural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to fragility and an increased risk of fractures, especially of the hip, spine and wrist. Exercise has been shown to benefit the maintenance of bone health and improvement of muscle strength, balance and coordination, thereby reducing the risk of falls and fractures. However, prior findings regarding the optimal types and regimens of exercise for treating low bone mineral density (BMD) in elderly people are not consistent.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Justice Sunanda Bhandare Foundation Vs Union of India and Others dated 25/01/2018 regarding compliance of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  Act,   2016 by states in India. It has been brought to the notice of the Supreme Court that several states are not complying to the Act. Supreme Court grants three months time to the States of  Karnataka,  Uttar   Pradesh  &  Uttarakhand and Union Territory of Lakshadweep to report compliance of the Act of 2016.

Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has been documenting human rights situation in Tanzania and producing the Tanzania Human Rights Report since 2002.

Limited recommendations of wheelchair configurations for court sports have been identified in the published literature. To accommodate the wide range of impairments in wheelchair rugby, players are given a point score that reflects their impairment. Players have regularly been grouped as high-, mid-, or low-point players in research, with high-point players having greater levels of muscle function compared with other classifications. This research documented the wheelchair configurations of elite Australian wheelchair rugby players across classification groups.

Lower limb amputees often experience complications with the use of conventional socket-type prostheses, which further reduce their already compromised ability to perform the activities of daily living, or to participate in sporting activities. During the last two decades, a new technology of direct skeletal attachment (osseointegration) of prosthesis to the femoral residuum has been developed. The aim of this research was to assess the implant design, surgery protocols, and functional testing of this new technology on the first 100 patients using the Integral Leg Prosthesis procedure.
