With California in its third year of drought, concern over access to clean water is no longer limited to the developing world.

Here are some facts about global water scarcity, according to the World Health Organization.

Chairman of the Senate Committee on Interior Senator Talha Mehmood has said that substandard drugs at the camps of internally displaced persons (IDPs) may add to the sufferings of ailing individuals, and urged the authorities to intensify inspection of drugs being distributed at these camps.

Ahmedabad : Hepatitis-B outbreak that crept silently upon unsuspecting victims has claimed more lives than the Surat plague which drew global attention and saw not less than five lakh people fleeing the city in panic!

Final toll of hepatitis-B that startled health authorities by claiming quick victims stood at 59 on Tuesday. The final death toll of Surat plague was 56.

Ahmedabad: Hepatitis-B outbreak that crept silently upon unsuspecting victims has claimed more lives than the suspected Surat plague which drew global attention and saw not less than five lakh people fleeing the city in panic!

OSLO - Rare outbreaks of plague in the United States seem to match climate shifts over the Pacific Ocean in a hint that global warming may make the region too hot and dry for the disease, scientists said on Wednesday.

Feared as the "Black Death" of the 14th century that killed an estimated 50 million people, plague is still a threat mainly in Africa. The western United States has had 430 cases since 1950, or about seven per year.

plague cases are on the rise and are afflicting countries more frequently than before. A who report says there were around 1,900 cases worldwide in 2002, which increased to 2,100 cases in 2003. In

This is one of 1,500 skeletons of bubonic plague victims, whose mass grave was recently discovered on the island of Lazzaretto Vecchio, in Italy's Venetian Lagoon. When the disease struck Venice in

disabling protein: Antibiotics can now treat pneumonic plague. The protein that causes the rapid spread of the ailment, has been identified. Disabling the protein, called plasminogen activator, can

global warming can lead to more cases of plague, warns a recent study. Warmer springs and more moist summers may create conditions for Yersina pestis

At a recent meeting of the World Medical Association in usa, doctors warned that terrorists could very
