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Forget health impacts, tiny particles floating in the air are altering regional climates and affecting monsoon patterns and agricultural yield. These particles could be emanating from diesel and industrial emissions, biomass burning for cooking, forest fi

The threats from aerosols are all pervading

Aerosol research is still in its infancy. Further studies will reveal the definitive long term impact of these tiny particles

Trade a new thermometer for an old one. This is the message that a bill approved by the US senate seeks to give. While it bans mercury thermometers, it has provided US $20 million for the exchange

Call it paranoia or plain silliness. But it is amazing. The Centre for Science and Environment cse has been studying gas pricing in the country to assess how environmentally acceptable fuels can be

South Africa waters down proposed ban on plastic

Proposal to tax erring industrialists for CETPs in Delhi

Pollution can lead to birth defects

Radiation from cellular phones is a well-known risk. Now there is another type of pollution from the wireless device which has raised a wave of worry. A study conducted by Inform, an environmental
