
At a time when the dispute between Odisha and Chhattisgarh is raging on over sharing of the Mahanadi water, it has come as a blessing in disguise for Odisha to further up its ante against the Centr

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Interlinking of Rivers, 21/07/2016. The inter-basin transfer of water, through interlinking of rivers (ILR), is considered to be essential for addressing the twin problems of water scarcity and floods.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Proposal for Linking of Rivers for National Water Grid, 18/07/2016.

Addition of four satellite core areas, 8000 hectares of extra buffer area adjacent to the Panna Tiger Reserve, a possible reduction in the height of the Daudhan dam and an environment management pl

The study by the environment ministry valued the benefits of the project at Rs 3000 crore anually

Panna, Madhya Pradesh: The Centre's project to link Ken and Betwa rivers has become a stage for a man-animal conflict in Madhya Pradesh's Panna tiger reserve.

Experts say Central Kerala may see an eco-disaster, socio-economic crisis

Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Minister Uma Bharati has threatened to go on a hunger strike if concerns for tigers and vultures come in the way of linking two rivers that

The controversy hit project intends to divert water from Ken river in Madhya Pradesh to Betwa river in Uttar Pradesh for irrigation and it will submerge 5,258 hectares of forest land including 4,14

A team of wildlife experts submitted a crucial report Monday on which hinges the fate of the first-ever inter-State river linking project since India’s independence.
