New Delhi: Drinking water is supposed to be one of India’s success stories — the government says it met its Millennium Development Goal on water five years ahead of time, and that its rural drinkin

This study of the operation of the Accredited Social Health Activist programme of the National Rural Health Mission in one of the tribal blocks of Thane district in Maharashtra fi nds that incentives given to ASHAs generate a bias in their work activities and shift the attention of these community health workers from the community to the health services system. Moreover, the poor socio-economic background of ASHAs makes them depend on the incentives offered since this is their main source of income.

Groundwater levels plummet; dried up wells, boreswells and tanks a common sight

A drinking water crisis looms large over Anantapur district. With the monsoon playing truant and the water from the Tungabhadra High Level canal mismanaged, groundwater levels around the district have plummeted to depths unheard of before. Dried up bores, wells and tanks are the order of the day in the district.

The revised National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) Guidelines issued by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation has focus on adequate water supply in quantity and quality, to each rural household on a sustainable basis.

World has met the Millennium Development Goal target of halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water, well in advance of the MDG 2015 deadline, according to this report by UNICEF & WHO.

Chief minister Arjun Munda on Sunday laid the foundation stone of a Rs 6-crore rural drinking water project at Manpur village, Baharagora block in East Singhbhum, about 100 kilometres from Jamshedp

The government has completed six water schemes and two bridges in Mohmand Agency to provide clean drinking water and better communication facilities to tribal people to bring them at par with devel

Groundwater table is sinking fast in 60 per cent districts of the State, which is casting an adverse impact on piped water supply schemes and drinking water situation can assume worse proportions i

Sterlite Copper has sponsored Rs 2.7 lakh towards a drinking water project at Vadakkusilukkanpatti.

It is a tragedy that should arouse us all to fury. In Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra, farmers have parched fields while dam reservoirs are full.
