Just before the Conference of Parties (COP) began, news had spread that the big seed companies were trying to slip in text in a resolution to dodge the moratorium on terminator seeds. These seeds are genetically altered to make them sterile and thus prevent reuse. Developing countries and civil society groups came ready to fight against any attempt to undermine the current de facto moratorium on such technologies in place since COP5.

Tangled web

A sinister syndrome

As Parliament mulls the Seeds Bill 2004, there is intense opposition to it. It’s likely the government will redraft it. sopan joshi

CLIVE JAMES, chairperson, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri biotech Applications gives T V JAYAN and CLIFFORD POLYCARP his prescription for feeding the hungry world

Independent laboratory tests carried out in Hong Kong revealed genetically engineered (ge) seeds in packages of papaya seeds being sold by the department of agriculture's research station in the

Government delivery programmes provide little support to farmers

Managing yields without pesticides

But it is better to take Andhra Pradesh as a challenge

"The strategy for agriculture will certainly create new jobs, especially in the allied sector. However, agriculture's share of employment will actually reduce, from the current 70 per cent to 40-45
