Will bureaucrats choose to throw farmers and ecology to the mercy of multinational corporations by preparing the way for cultivation of transgenic cotton in India?

Indigenous technology to produce biofertiliser and protein-rich animal feed from maize waste has

The introduction of high-yielding varieties of seeds and the increase in cropping intensity has resulted in a significant rise in the extent of phosphorus removal by crops. Fertiliser phosphorus is,

Monsanto, the agribusiness multinational, has ultimately agreed

A seeder, which can simultaneous sow and provide manure to the crops, has been developed. The machine, put together by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, has two ground wheels, two skids

An Iowa, USA, seed merchant has legally challenged the US Patent and Trademark Office, saying it erred in granting patents on modifi

for they keep the rainforests' biodiversity high

The Supreme Court has issued notice to the Union

The debate over terminator technology takes a new turn with the discovery of 36 sterility patent claims by public and private institutes the world over

Monsanto talks too much. Misinformed activists rush in to burn fields in protest against the company. And India s government authorities, sitting in smug silence, do little to clear the confusion. The science of biotechnology gets a bad name
