Every society must understand how the excreta it produces is managed. It teaches us many things about water, about waste, about technologies to clean, economics and politics: of who is subsidised to defecate in our societies. But, most importantly, it teaches us humility. We know so little about our own world.

Whether it is the quality of water or air, pollution levels in Maharashtra have crossed the danger mark and the state Government has done precious little to clean up its act-------

A solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatographic (LC) method was developed for the determination of selected fluoroquinolone (FQ) drugs including ofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin in municipal wastewater samples. Extraction of the FQs was carried out with a weak cation exchanger SPE cartridge, the Oasis WCX.

This paper describes the pollution status of fourteen major drains, namely Najafgarh drain, Magazine Road, Sweeper Colony, Khyber Pass, Metcalf House, Kudesia Bagh, Civil Mill, Sen Nursing Home, Drain No. 14, Barapulla, Maharani Bagh, Kalkaji, Okhla and Shahdara drain entering into the river Yamuna at Delhi, studied during the year 1999-2000.

Chasing treatment plants, not sewage

In Delhi, nobody knows!

The planning mess must change

What is the quality of treatment in sewage plants?

This investigation into Delhi's underbelly began with a visit to a sewage treatment plant located in the eastern part of the city, situated between a highly congested and relatively poorer part of

The current pipe-drains-plant strategy is not working. Therefore, more of the same, without reworking its approach, will mean just more money down the drain.

The Yamuna is Delhi's shame. But its pollution management is its government's shame. It cannot be acceptable that we have spent money, time and energy, but have so little.
