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The Internet is perhaps the next best thing after we discovered fire and invented the wheel. An astounding wealth of information on every subject under the Sun just waiting for a click of the mouse.

Is suicide in your genes?

Mothers should breast-feed their babies for at least the first year as

A Dutch company behind the cloning of two calves announced on Friday that it will cease such experiments in accordance with a ban on cattle-cloning imposed by the agriculture

Contaminated soil can be remedied by planting ryegrasses

People working in air-conditioned offices are likely to suffer twice as many respiratory problems as those who work in naturally ventilated buildings. Dan Teu

Hot springs may be contributing significantly to global carbon dioxide emissions

The Narmada Bachao Andolan would resort to indefinite fast from 26 January at the dam site of the 1,500 -crore Maheshwar Hydel Project in Khargone district in western Madhya Pradesh in order to

Theambitious Indira Gandhi (Rajasthan) Canal Project , designed to meet the water needs of a large part of the desert belt of Rajastha, may well turn out to be an ecological disaster, experts fear.

Studies show that men who lose their cool are twice at the risk
