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Computers and satellites will soon be used by transport authorities in USA and Europe to provide commuters a reprieve from traffic congestion

The US senate is in a dilemma because every alternative they have thought up to the contentious energy tax has received loud protests from some section of the American public.

NEVER take an expert's word as gospel -- that's what a team of Australian schoolboys would tell you. Despite experts warning them their project wouldn't work, the schoolboys have successfully built

Computers are poised to make it possible for people to speak to each other in their own languages.

Scientists believe neem stimulates the body's immune system and are working on the possibility of using it in treating AIDS.

CANTON will soon wear a different look as its commuters abandon the traditional bicycle for other modes of transport. In a dramatic step to ease traffic congestion, Cantonese officials intend to

Long bus journeys usually result in an aching back and queasy stomachs for passengers. But sitting in the front only worsens their discomfort.

An interview with Siddu B Nyame Gowda, who is now the Union minister of state for coal and mines.
