Cities are a magnet for people as centres for jobs, economic activity and innovation, and urban mobility systems lie at the very heart of what makes cities attractive and viable.

The draft parking rules for Delhi, which were opened for feedback, stress on the need to decongest Delhi roads by giving incentives for parking in multi-level parking lots. Close to 1,400 cars are added to Delhi roads each day, while there are only close to 250 surface parking lots in the city and only a handful of multi-level lots.

This publication is a major update of the “Training document on public awareness and behaviour change in sustainable transport” published in 2006 by GIZ.

This new report reviews initiatives undertaken by cities in the Asia-Pacific region to stem the social and economic losses from increasing congestion and pollution. It calls for improving road safety and acknowledges the increasing role of intelligent transport systems for urban and inter-city mobility.

The Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific is a peer-reviewed journal published once a year by the Transport Division (TD) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

As the recent white paper on China’s transport for the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016–2020) states, China must set higher standards for the transport development to “realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” (State Council Information Office 2016).

Developing countries can meet climate targets promised in the landmark Paris Agreement by catalyzing trillions of dollars in private investments through a combination of smart policy reforms and innovative business models, according to Creating Markets for Climate Business, a new report by IFC.

This working paper presents a working definition of the term new mobility services, which encompasses a broad set of emerging operating models and technologies that are intended to improve the performance of urban transportation systems.

Cities and their policymakers face enormous pressures as they seek to meet today’s mobility challenges.

This study report presents the process of development a tool for assessment and evaluation of sustainable urban transport systems in cities in the Asia-Pacific region. The report explains and illustrates how the Sustainable Urban Transport Index (SUTI) was developed.
