Today environmental pollution has assumed serious proportions and become a big problem because the built-in balance has been disturbed by the industrialization and the philosophy of conquest of nature through exploration and exploitation of natural resources by man to the advantage of mankind. This report contains the Environmental status of Jaipur city, Rajasthan, India.

The transportation modes in Indian cities are multifarious with varying capacity and widely varying sizes and speeds.

Large portions of cultivable land may be lost to the desert in northwest China by end 1997

Besides highlighting some of the enduring concerns faced by today s urban planners, what else has the Istanbul city summit Habitat II actually achieved?

Out of more than half the world population that are wannabe urban Bourbons, larger number of women and children will have to rough it out

Will the future city, marked by responsible governance and a concerned citizenry, be able to address the problems dogging the world's urban centres?

Local resource depletion started when hunter gatherer humans grew roots

The city of Sigiriya in Sri Lanka with its magnificent gardens survived for just 18 years

The beginning of uncontrolled consumerism is the end of a planned city

TODAY, the gloomy scenario of blurred faces framed in countless tenement windows seems to have wafted right out of an Eliotsian elegy into the equally foggy reality of urban existence in the
