Lunawa Environmental Improvement & Community Development Project

The Lunawa Environmental Improvement & Community Development Project (2003-10), was the first ‘test’ of Sri Lanka’s National Involuntary Resettlement Policy. Today it is touted as an innovative, pro-poor model for infrastructure projects in the developing world, especially relevant for the involuntary resettlement of people from densely populated urban areas.

12 Apr 2012

Is climate change a sustainable development or an environmental challenge?

The responsibility of municipalities to provide crucial services is being increasingly passed on to the resident welfare associations located in middle and upper middle class areas in cities. Similar tools of intervention are absent in the slums and low-income neighbourhoods and even the local ward committees fail to represent their needs and aspirations.

Unbalanced growth and pollution are taking its toll on the habitat, biological behaviour and breeding cycles of birds
Palak Nandi | TNN

atching a house sparrow feed its little ones or a peacock enjoying a leisurely walk on the terrace, were once a common sight in the Pink City

This paper aims to analyse urban mobility patterns and consequent impacts on energy and environment in India. It investigate the quantity of energy use in 23 metropolitan regions for the period 1981

This report outlines the energy-related challenges that cities, particularly large and 'mega-cities', will face during the coming decades. It analyses the technical and policy actions that must be taken to meet these challenges and the role the energy industry and business can play in designing and implementing efficient solutions

The food crisis at the end of the last decade and the resulting food riots that occurred in cities all over the world exposed the vulnerability and fragility of the current global food system and highlighted the increasing problem of urban food security. Urban households were among the hardest hit by the food and economic crises as they saw their purchasing power decline drastically.

This report focuses on East Asia
