LONDON - Researchers say they have identified genes that make some African malaria-carrying mosquitoes resistant to insecticide, and hope the breakthrough could boost efforts to prevent the deadly disease.

DIPHU, Feb 4

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A silent invasion by a tiny insect has completely derailed the life of the people of the capital city. This insect is rendering more and more humans sick and incapacitated.

The potential impact of climate change was highlighted at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (Dec 3

Although the issue of anthropogenic climate forcing and public health is widely recognized, one fundamental aspect has remained underappreciated: the impact of climatic change on plant biology and the well-being of human systems. The authors aimed to critically evaluate the extant and probable links between plant function and human health, drawing on the pertinent literature.

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conservation Fishing casualties Fishing has dwindled the numbers of the pantropical spotted dolphin, a Pacific Ocean inhabitant, at a worrying rate. Initially the cause was traced to

The National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme, Government of India and Government of Goa with the NIMR, Government of India along with other bodies namely the Goa University, Voluntary Health Association of Goa, Goa Medical College and others will now be working together for three years as partners for evidence-based malaria elimination in Goa.

KOLKATA, Jan 7: Outdoor fogging is a waste of time, according to the advisory committee of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation which submitted a report on ways to prevent vector-borne disease outbreaks today.

Bacteria Used To Cut Down Lifespan, Killing The Pests Before They Can Infect Us

Washington: Old mosquitoes usually spread disease, so Australian researchers figured out a way to make the pests die younger

life sciences It is the small ones Smaller mosquitoes are better at transmitting diseases than larger ones. Researchers in the US fed mosquitoes blood contaminated with dengue virus and tested them for infection. Smaller-sized mosquitoes showed higher infection rates and greater potential to transmit the virus. Even a slight difference in the body sizes of Asian tiger and yellow fever
