The ninth G-FINDER survey reports on 2015 global investment into research and development (R&D) of new products for neglected diseases, and identifies trends and patterns across the nine years of global G-FINDER data.

The World Malaria Report 2016 summarizes information received from malaria-endemic countries and other sources, and updates the analyses presented in the 2015 report. The World Malaria Report is WHO’s flagship malaria publication, released each year in December.

The transmission of the arboviral agents of dengue, yellow fever, Chikungunya, and Zika by Aedes mosquitoes represents expanding threats to global health. At the 69th World Health Assembly, the WHO Director-General Margaret Chan declared that the spread of the Zika virus was "the result of the abandon of mosquito control" by governments since the 1970s and urged Member States to mobilize more efforts and resources to prevent further spread of the diseases.

Insecticide-treated bednets (ITNs) are effective in preventing malaria where vectors primarily bite indoors and late at night, but their effectiveness is uncertain where vectors bite outdoors and earlier in the evening. We studied the effectiveness of ITNs following a mass distribution in Haiti from May to September, 2012, where the Anopheles albimanus vector bites primarily outdoors and often when people are awake.

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In this prospective observational study, Grant Dorsey and colleagues measure changes in malaria burden after long-lasting insecticidal net distribution and indoor residual spraying at three sites of in Uganda.

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Two South American metropolises are enlisting bacterium-infected mosquitoes to fight Zika. The effort is the world’s biggest test yet of an unconventional but promising approach to quell mosquito-borne diseases.

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Evolution persistently undermines vector control programs through insecticide resistance. Here we propose a novel strategy which instead exploits evolution to generate and sustain new control tools. Effective spatial repellents are needed to keep vectors out of houses. Our approach generates such new repellents by combining a high-toxicity insecticide with a candidate repellent initially effective against only part of the vector population.

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Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahendra Pandey Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 19/10/2016 regarding mosquito breeding in the city of Delhi.

Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding vector-borne diseases in Delhi, 06/10/2016. This matter has been taken up on the basis of the news report titled “Outrage as parents end life after child's dengue death” published in the Sunday Times of India dated 13th September, 2015. Chief Justice of India has passed an order on 16th September, 2015 to treat it as a Suo Moto Public Interest Litigation.

Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding vector borne diseases in Delhi dated 04/10/2016. Supreme Court directs a meeting to be convened by the Lieutenant Governor to resolve issues relating to the better management of the problems faced by the people of Delhi due to dengue and chikungunya – and other issues, if so advised.
