
An ecofriendly process to convert paper mill waste into hydrogen

Each British household generates over one tonne of waste per year, reveals a report of uk's department of environment. Worse, only 11 per cent of this is recycled. According to the document, the

Plastic minus the

Biotoilets fail to save Dal lake from pollution due to official apathy

A us $108.8 million global fund has been raised to tackle environmental problems and nuclear waste in northwest Russia. At a recent conference in Brussels, the European Commission pledged us

Guarded optimism greets new biomedical waste treatment facility near Kanpur

Finally the government has decided to scrap the much-hyped Timarpur plant which had become a white elephant. The move has been hailed by environmentalists, who have criticised the project for more

Who is responsible for recycling glass bottles? Pubs or breweries? A uk High Court clarified this knotty situation while passing its verdict in a recent

Britain has failed to meet the April

Efficient e waste recycling technology on the anvil
