
Come 2004, 90 per cent of landfills will be shut down in the UK. The step is being taken in the wake of a recent EU directive that has clamped down on landfills in all its member states

A slew of elementary schemes aim to alleviate poverty

All recycling in India is undertaken by (and via) the informal sector. This sector includes waste-pickers, small middlemen, transporters, larger middlemen and finally, reprocessors. These self-employed people play a very important role in urban waste management as they provide a service which the urban municipalities cannot provide given their current institutional framework.

Urban India is likely to face a massive waste disposal problem in the coming years. Traditionally, the problem of waste has been seen simply as one of cleaning and disposing. But a closer look at the current and future scenarios reveals that waste needs to be treated holistically, recognising its natural resources roots as well as its health impacts.

German metal company Aluminium Rheinfelden will temporarily close an aluminium recycling plant after supplies dwindled, following the introduction of a deposit on drinks containers. The plant at

Sociologist David Naguib Pellow has come out with an engrossing account of Chicago from the perspective of what surrounds us all: garbage. It is the kind of book that gives environmentalism a good name...

centralised medical waste management facilities will soon have to meet certain stipulated criteria. The Central Pollution Control Board is in the process of issuing guidelines, which will be ready

six people died recently in a fire at the Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat. The issue of workers' safety and the environmental implications of this highly polluting activity have come to the fore

Common effluent treatment plants are fashionable, but without a proper framework of rights and responsibilities, they could become a tool for circumventing the law

Ten European Union (eu) states have shown little urgency in adopting a law on recycling cars. Taking serious note of this, the European Commission has issued formal warnings to them. The countries
