
It has not been smooth sailing for the controversial us $58 billion project to store all the nuclear waste across the us in Nevada. Initially, the plan was strongly opposed by

Recycling of discarded vehicles soon to be mandatory in Europe

there is an infotech solution in sight

The Basel convention guidelines to manage plastic waste miss the point: reducing plastics is the real solution

Sanitation for urban India means building flush toilets and linking them to sewer systems. But the price of chasing this dream is leading to an environmental catastrophe. MANOJ NADKARNI analyses our flush and forget mindset

We need to go back to the drawing board to reinvent a green toilet. If necessary, to go back to our past and find technological innovations that are sustainable and equitable. So that every Indian can have access to sanitation and still have clean water t

The flush toilet system and the sewage system, which goes with modern day personal hygiene and cleanliness, are part of the environmental problem and not the solution. Consider the huge amount of clean water that is used to carry a small quantity of human

Can rubber stamps serve public interests?

the lawn waste recycling industry in the us is alarmed after traces of Clopyralid,

it's a catch-22 situation. Although the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (tnpcb) wants local bodies to compost their waste, there is a problem of giving them the right place. A recent casualty is
