Jain Irrigation Systems is the second-largest drip irrigation company in the world and one of the largest suppliers of ducting to telcos globally. Now, it's eyeing revenues of $1 billion, krishna gopalan

A variety of water reforms are being undertaken in different parts of the country. This paper discusses a project in the twin cities of Hubli-Dharwad in north Karnataka, a pilot for 24/7 functioning as well as for the institutional and other changes required for private sector participation in urban areas. April 5-11, 2008

IF THE Victorian Government is the main tenant in La La Land, then the Productivity Commission's latest report, Towards Urban Water Reform: A Discussion Paper must be the rent book. Its drift is plain. There is no problem with water supply that a competitive market couldn't fix. "Ultimately, it is possible to envisage an evolution to a fully decentralised urban water market involving many retailers and wholesalers offering different forms of product (for example price and security). However, an important caveat is that such arrangements do not operate elsewhere in the world."

Bihar agriculture has the potential to grow rapidly so as to meet the existing shortages and assume primacy in the national agricultural economy. The State has immense agricultural

Urbanization is occurring at an unprecedented rate, particularly in developing countries, with high migration of population from rural to urban areas. As a consequence of urbanization and associated environmental impacts, the issue of providing water to growing urban population is becoming critical. Water management in the context of urban area has two components i.e.

The authhor has explored the impact of increased responsibility for water management and decision-making in the communes within Madagascar's southern district of Ambovombe- Androy. Ambovombe-Androy is a semi-arid district that comprises 17 communes with marked levels of poverty. Limited water supply, extreme demand, and predatory operators drive water prices up to unaffordable levels.

This paper is set in the context of a larger development policy debate pertaining to regional inequalities in India. Historically some regions had experienced agricultural prosperity due to their resource endowments especially water. The complementarity between modern inputs and water has boosted the public investments in these regions in order to achieve food self-sufficiency.

Statistical and probability analysis of rainfall occurrences of Nayagarh block of Orissa was carried out for planning and designing of water conservation and recharge structures.

One of the principal concerns today for the deteriorating quality
of water supply and sanitation services in India is the high
levels of nonrevenue water (NRW)

The main objective of this report is to address threats to human security and well-being posed by water scarcity and quality degradation. It also aims to investigate how improved groundwater management can increase human security.
