The Central Water Commission (CWC) has said that a mechanism has been evolved to expand and restructure it to adopt river basins as fundamental blocks for integrated planning, development and manag

The latest World Bank report on reform in India's urban water sector focuses on institutional and fi nancial arrangements between urban local bodies, water service providers and the customer. Like earlier reports, this too starts with a purely banking objective and works backwards to come up with policy advice. It fails to assimilate the technological boundaries of the sector, ignores strengthening of governance, building institutional capacity in research and training, and developing collaborations between governance and knowledge institutions.

Groundwater is now the main source of water for all major water uses in India and needs to be given greater policy attention. The fact that it is a politically sensitive topic because any reform will affect some powerful constituencies cannot be an excuse anymore for lack of action. Inaction only increases existing inequalities in access to groundwater by progressively reinforcing the power of bigger landowners at the expense of other water users.

This draft state water policy for Pondicherry is applicable to all the water resources in the Union Territory. A Water Resources Control Management and Review Council or Committee will be constituted to monitor implementation of the policy.

As it convened a meeting of the National Water Resources Council, chaired by the Prime Minister, on Wednesday to discuss the proposed National Water Policy, one of the Central government’s key sugg

Opposition to overarching legal framework of principles on water

A conference of Water Resources and Irrigation Ministers here on Wednesday saw opposition to the Centre’s proposal to evolve an overarching national legal framework of principles on water, to link financial assistance to “aggressive” water sector reforms and to set up a Permanent Forum of Water Resources and Irrigation Ministers to deliberate on issues/disputes.

This Regulation: Establishes procedures for the practical and effective implementation of the provisions of the Water Act of Bhutan, 2011; Identifies the precise role and area of responsibility of the Authorities with a view to establishing a coherent regulatory framework for sound water management practices at every level of administration, inc

This recent CDP analysis provides investors with critical information on how companies identify, manage and mitigate risks and opportunities related to water. It also gives examples of how companies may improve their water management through collective action.

After several failed attempts in the past, the water distribution system in the city is likely to undergo a complete transformation with the state government approving the privatisation of its mana

SRINAGAR, Sep 6: While the ever increasing water pollution and poor sanitation arrangements has emerged as the major concern in Jammu and Kashmir state, the state government has failed to conduct a
