Drinking-water quality is an issue of concern for human health in developing and developed countries world-wide. The risks arise from infectious agents, toxic chemicals and radiological hazards. Experience highlights the value of preventive management approaches spanning from water resource to consumer.

The state

Environmentalists list needs in green election manifesto

DINDIGUL: The government should form a separate Ministry for water and water resources protection, introduce a new system of administration of a river basin as a single unit and implement the Tank Protection Act 2007 effectively.

Meet discusses ways for inclusive water management.

Bangalore, April 17 Farmers, Government officials, scientists and NGOs engaged in improving water use patterns in the Tungabhadra basin have called for improved water management and cropping techniques to cope with two looming problems: inter-State disputes on resource use and the problems arising out of climate change.

To increase water availability for agriculture.
Combating dry season
Groundwork for the project was started in August 2008
Till date about Rs 100 crore have been spent on the project
Funds are being directly reimbursed to the farmers

The influential people who had, over the years, managed to get public taps installed at government expense for their personal use are being finally made to pay the water charges.

The National Water Policy, promulgated in 1999, provides policy direction for the water sector. Water resources in the country are facing a great challenge. The most significant of these are alternating floods and water scarcity.

New Delhi: These are essential in places where there is no piped water supply, says DJB CEO Ramesh Negi

The overall goal of this report is to help water resources and environment professionals within the Bank and client countries use strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to effectively implement the principles of integrated water resources management (IWRM).

In the current financial crisis, risk-weary investors worry more about keeping their own boats afloat than in pumping money into a sector noted for high upfront costs, long pay back periods and low rates of return. Add to that an inefficient use of resources, weak regulation and lack of up-to-date information, and the water sector faces what may prove to be a dry season for investment.
