This article discusses the various components that impact effective water quality management in rural India.

Cities in India are moving towards commercially viable models of urban water and sanitation delivery to fill the widening gap between demand and supply. Cost recovery through upfront beneficiary contributions is increasingly becoming a key consideration in the provision of piped water and sewerage.

As governments across Asia are searching for ways to increase water security for rural and urban water uses, the need to articulate water rights and improve water allocation practices is rapidly becoming a priority issue to them. The process is made more complex by rapid urbanization, climate change, and other drivers of change.

The Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has invited comments on a draft Water Policy Advocacy Framework, which seeks to provide a framework for the Secretariat to advocate for the development of water resource management policies at country level.

The World Water Week in Stockholm is the leading annual global meeting place for capacity-building, partnership-building and follow-up on the implementation of international processes in water and development. Future-oriented, interdisciplinary and

Good water-management policies are needed to cope with flood-drought cycles

Good water-management policies are needed for India to cope with flood-drought cycles, often in neighbouring areas.

The proposed State Water Policy, in its final draft, has attracted strong criticism from the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, for favouring

Chief minister bans digging of borewells; mines flout the rule chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh has banned digging of borewells by individual households for a year. This follows a sharp decline in the groundwater levels in the state after last year

IN 1985 Former United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali famously said that

Expressing concern over prevailing acute water crisis in the state, the opposition today said in the Assembly that situation will become out of control if steps to control it are not taken in time.
