Long time series of ocean and land color satellite data can be used to measure Laurentian Great Lakes water quality parameters including chlorophyll, suspended minerals, harmful algal blooms (HABs), photic zone and primary productivity on weekly, monthly and annual observational intervals. The observed changes in these water quality parameters over time are a direct result of the introduction of invasive species such as the Dreissena mussels as well as anthropogenic forcing and climate change.

THE Vice-President, Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan, yesterday launched a large scale water project that will benefit 42,000 residents of seven districts in Tabora Region.

A three-year wastewater pond research project, the Enhancement of Ponds in Namibia (EPoNa), was launched at Outapi in the Omusati Region on Wednesday.

Seven-hundred young people who were sickened by tainted tap water in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan 16 years ago will collect government compensation, the provincial government said on Wedne

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 24/04/2017 regarding restoration/rejuvenationn of River Ganga (Phase - I, Segment B, Haridwar Down to Kanpur Down).  Drains in Uttar Pradesh in Phase-I Segment B contributing to Ganga pollution includes Hemraj and Bijnor sewage drain.

An "ecological disaster” is brewing at the popular Gillooly’s Farm in Bedfordview, Ekurhuleni, following the deaths of numerous fish allegedly caused by sewer water pollution of the farm's lake.

The researchers studied over 200 cases in different parts of India of which 20 cases where studied in Hyderabad.

This UN GLAAS 2017 report presents an analysis of the most reliable and up-to-date data from 75 countries and 25 external support agencies on issues related to financing universal access to w

Drought-hit Cape Town scraps free water for all Drought-hit Cape Town scraps free water for all

This paper presents the findings of an impact evaluation to assess the performance and sustainability of the demand responsive community-based approach toward rural water supply in the state of Kerala, India.
