This manual brings together two fields that, until recently, have been separate: human rights and IWRM. These two fields have been brought together as awareness has grown within the human rights community that water management is fundamental to the realization of a range of human rights.

To achieve food security for all, new resource policies for sustainable land and water use are needed. Land, water, and energy need to be considered jointly in policies, not in isolation.

Water is a vital resource for natural ecosystems and human life, and assuring a high quality of water and protecting it from chemical contamination is a major societal goal in the European Union. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its daughter directives are the major body of legislation for the protection and sustainable use of European freshwater resources.

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Economic inequality, societal polarization, and intensifying environmental dangers are the top three trends that will shape global developments over the next ten years — not least of all this year says this report.

The tribunal had earlier taken exception to non-submission of a status report on quality of water supplied to households in the national capital by the Delhi government despite repeated directions.

The National water resources are limited & unevenly distributed resulting in seasonal abundance, and even devastating floods in some areas, while large tracts in other regions are persistently drought affected.

The water-related challenges have reached a climax with an unoptimistic future expected to feature more competition between users. This book on freshwater governance broadly illustrates key aspects of water governance. It maps the spectrum of decision-making from techno-centric and eco-centric approaches, to hybrid concepts and people-centric approaches.

Areas under Trimulgherry and some parts of Marredpally mandal were vulnerable, as per the study.

China has detained 11 people for dumping more than 2,900 tonnes of garbage into the Yangtze river in Jiangsu province, the official Xinhua news agency reported late on Sunday.

Medical waste, broken bottles and household trash are some of the items found in more than 100 tonnes of garbage salvaged near a drinking water reservoir in Shanghai.
