Target of 5% not enough, based on warming ceiling of 2C and Australia’s ‘fair share’ of global carbon budget

Almost all wild caught marine fish for the aquarium trade will die within a year of capture, according to WWF.

Sky has reduced its 'carbon intensity' by 33% since 2008-9 as the broadcaster begins to "realise the gains" made from its long-term investment in renewable and low-carbon sources of energy.

In crisis-hit Greece, government decisions taken in haste and despair to save the country from default, risk having a serious impact on the environment.

More than 10 million tonnes of CO2 emissions were displaced by renewable electricity generation in Scotland in 2012 - up by almost a quarter from the previous year, according to new figures.

A new initiative launched today will raise money for community projects in Kenya by protecting and restoring the country's dwindling mangrove forests.

Seven teams of forest department experts are maneuvering through a forest near Ranthambhore National Reserve for a two-and-a-half year tiger, which strayed from the reserve about a month ago and ha

Information technology company HP has announced that it will cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% by 2020 for its first-tier manufacturing and product transportation supply chain partners.

It is a mechanism for monitoring, tracking and labelling timber, wood and pulp products and non-timber forest products

World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan) signed an agreement with Lawrence College, Murree to create environmental awareness amongst students and employees and to facilitate their profess
