From typhoon Haiyan to cyclone Phailin, various natural disasters forced almost 22 million people out of their homes across the world in 2013. Find out which countries and regions witnessed maximum displacement due to these events and which disasters recorded the highest displacement levels.

The Supreme Court’s order terming all coal-mines allocated in India since 1993 as "illegal" has put big investments from industry giants in jeopardy. While the biggies wait to see what the fate of the mines allocated to them would be, here is a look at the most controversial mining projects across the world at present.

The Central Statistics Office constituted a Standing Committee on Infrastructure Statistics (SCINS) to harmonize the concept of infrastructure and identify the sub sectors conforming to this concept. Presently six broad sectors of infrastructure viz. Transport, Energy, Communication, Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, Irrigation and Storage are covered under infrastructure. The present publication “Infrastructure Statistics 2014” is the third issue of the publication incorporating the latest available data on each sub sector. The publication is now in two volumes.

Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA contains timely, clearly-presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources.

Coal controller's Organisation has been carrying out for the past several years the task of collection and dissemination of data related to the coal and lignite sector of the country to meet data requirement of the Ministry of Coal, related Ministries and Government Organisations, different research bodies etc. through its publications namely ‘The Coal Directory of India’ and ‘Provisional Coal Statistics’.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on constitution of Special Tiger Protection Force, 14/08/2014.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on forest farming in Gujarat, 14/08/2014.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha regarding import of vaccines, 12/08/2014.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Indrabati project as National Project, 04/08/2014.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on steps taken to protection of Tigers, 31/07/2014.
