Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have requested guidance on common greenhouse gas metrics in accounting for Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to emission reductions. Metric choice can affect the relative emphasis placed on reductions of ‘cumulative climate pollutants’ such as carbon dioxide versus ‘short-lived climate pollutants’ (SLCPs), including methane and black carbon.

The pace of Arctic warming is about double that at lower latitudes—a robust phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. Many diverse climate processes and feedbacks cause Arctic amplification, including positive feedbacks associated with diminished sea ice. However, the precise contribution of sea-ice loss to Arctic amplification remains uncertain. Through analyses of both observations and model simulations, we show that the contribution of sea-ice loss to wintertime Arctic amplification seems to be dependent on the phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).

Many ecological theories and species conservation programmes rely on accurate estimates of population density. Accurate density estimation, especially for species facing rapid declines, requires the application of rigorous field and analytical methods. However, obtaining accurate density estimates of carnivores can be challenging as carnivores naturally exist at relatively low densities and are often elusive and wide-ranging.

Food economy plays a major role in world development. A food chain, from an economic point of view, means a long series of interdependent management processes, which have the main goal to providing food to people.

Depression and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and disabling disorders, which result not only in an enormous amount of human misery and lost health, but also lost economic output. Here we propose a global investment case for a scaled-up response to the public health and economic burden of depression and anxiety disorders.

Malaria infection poses a serious public health problem in endemic countries. As per World Malaria Report 2015, it is estimated that 3.2 billion people in 97 countries are at risk of being infected with malaria; 214 million cases of malaria with 4,38,000 malaria induced deaths are reported during the year . Clinical consequences of malaria result primarily from parasitic invasion of red blood cells (RBCs). Inside the RBCs, the parasite metabolizes the host haemoglobin in the acidic environment of the parasite’s food vacuole.

The WHO recommends complete withdrawal of oral polio vaccine (OPV) type 2 by April 2016 globally and replacing with at least one dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV). However, high-cost, limited supply of IPV, persistent circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses transmission and need for subsequent boosters remain unresolved. To meet this critical need, a novel strategy of a low-cost cold chain-free plant-made viral protein 1 (VP1) subunit oral booster vaccine after single IPV dose is reported. Codon optimization of the VP1 gene enhanced expression by 50-fold in chloroplasts.

Temporal pattern of global seismicity indicates temporal clustering of large earthquakes (Mw≥8.2) followed by relative quiescence (stress shadow). It is a characteristic seismic pattern along the plate boundaries. Clustering of the largest earthquakes during 1950s to 1960s followed by the extended period of low-moment release until 2003 and then again heightened moment release since 2004 has been observed, which represents a seismic temporal pattern of 50 years period.

In the present investigation the effect of stone crushing dust pollution on the growth performance and yield status of Rice (Oryza sativa) was studied in specified land areas of village Arap, Patna. The results indicated that the germination frequency of seeds, shoot length, root length, chlorophyll content, total carbohydrate and protein contents, and grain yield of Rice (Oryza sativa) were severely affected by stone dust pollution.

The emerging field of sewage chemical-information mining is taking advantage of a readily available yet underappreciated resource: the untreated waste flowing under our feet and the biosolids remaining after treatment. It turns out that sewage and sewage sludge hold a wealth of data on chemical consumption and exposure, and potentially even the health status of whole communities.

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