Two projects are under way to detect an elusive phenomenon that are thought to be produced by violent events in outer space

POLITICAL support for expensive scientific projects, plagued as they are by cost overruns, is dwindling in the US because with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the defence applications of space

A survey of the impact of power generation on Singrauli residents and their environment flays the National Thermal Power Corp for inadequate resettlement measures

Scientists have created the most realistic model of ocean currents yet and taken another step towards understanding global climate

With technology advancing at a tremendous pace, companies are retrenching unskilled employees. The effect is being felt most in Europe

All living things begin life as a single cell, and one of the most intriguing puzzles for biologists is to understand how a particular cell knows into which part of the body it must grow

The government and anti dam activists gave ground during the first ever talks on the controversial Sardar Sarovar Project

A technique developed to fight tumours in rats may one day be used to treat humans

The American Medical Association contends that limiting prices or overall spending on health care is unconstitutional

Efforts are on to tackle the abysmal state of female health in India, especially among the poorer sections
