People do not know about tiger behaviour. They drive the animal to aggression Recent incidents of tigers straying pose a new challenge in conservation. It

Bengaluru needs a little political will and a lot of community-level initiatives Many years ago, weather used to be the icebreaker in conversations in Bengaluru. Traffic and its interminable snarls is the only subject every Bengalurean or visitor to the city talks of now. There are 3.5 million vehicles in the city. Its roads can support no more than one million. Traffic jams are the rule.

Agencies sanctioning construction projects in Delhi are at loggerheads Government agencies like the Public Works Department and the Delhi Development Authority are expected to construct buildings and roads to develop the city. Normally such infrastructure projects are considered essential to public interest. Recently, however, media reports suggest differences between and among the authorities

Book>> A Guinea Pig

Book>> The Third Bomb

Book>> The Sick Planet, Corporate Food and Medicine

Mindless industrialization threatens tribals and biodiversity. Therein lies a possible collaboration conservation groups and promoters of the Dhamra port in Orissa are at loggerheads. While conservationists say the port will adversely affect Gahirmatha, which has the world

The Contested Commons, Conversations between Economists and Anthropologists, edited by Pranab Bardhan and Isha Ray, OUP, Rs 695 The book explores the theme of common environmental resources from the perspective of two disciplines: economics and anthropology. Written by senior scholars in economics, anthropology, sociology, and political science, the essays touch upon economic security,

Book>> Payment for Ecosystem Services

Where is the will to find out what is best for the people and the economy? MINING in India is frequently in the news these days. There has hardly been an issue of this magazine lately where an article on mining was not printed. The headlines are predictable by now: mining destroys forests; mining pollutes rivers; people are evicted to allow mining; mining encroaches on wildlife habitat;
