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Organizations that continued with embryonic stem cell research benefit STEM cell therapy promises cures for diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer

The global meltdown led to expectations governments would use money to reinvent economies for climate change. The plan was simple: spend obscene amounts of public money in infrastructure and other

Documentary>>Blood Coltan

Documentary>> Underground Inferno

Handbook of Environmental Law: by P B Sahasranaman, Oxford University Press, Price Rs 895. The book analyses the response of the Supreme Court and high courts to public interest litigation. It also examines concepts such as the polluter pays principle, the precautionary principle, the and the public trust doctrine Land Acquisition, Displacement and Resettlement in Gujarat:

Important bills are better dropped than approved without parliamentary debate THE government failed to push through Rajya Sabha three critical bills that had been cleared by the lower house of Parliament recently. The upper house rejected government bills on land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation, and compensatory afforestation. These bills address natural resources
