This report is a compilation of research and analyses from some of the leading scholars and experts on the Indian forest sector. Their analyses take a critical look at the trends that have shaped the developments in India's forest sector over the past two decades.

Conspiracy theories are a handy standby when one wants to avoid the effort of critical thinking.

An open letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Mullaperiyar conflict. (Letters)

This article traces the shifting visibility of the river Yamuna in the social and ecological imagination of Delhi. It delineates how the riverbed has changed from being a neglected “non-place” to prized real estate for private and public corporations. It argues that the transformation of an urban commons into a commodity is not only embedded in processes of political economy, but is also driven by aesthetic sensibilities that shape how ecological landscapes are valued.

From an understanding of the commons as a rural artefact, the concept has expanded to include urban spaces and practices. The destruction of common resources and the communities that depend upon them is a long-standing outcome of capitalist expansion. It is also a cause for concern, given the ultimate centrality of the commons to the reproduction of urban populations and ecosystems.

This expert panel report on Vedanta's bauxite mining
project in Orissa submitted to MoEF on August 16, 2010 says that the
company must not given permission for this project as it has illegally
occupied forest land andwill also threaten survival of local tribes. <br>

Hundreds of migrant adivasis from Madhya Pradesh have died from acute silicosis (caused by inhaling silica) contracted while working in quartz crushing factories in central Gujarat. Thousands more face the same fate.