Rainfall variations in the Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand were studied for a period of six years from 2008 to 2013. The rainfall data were obtained through a dense network of rain gauges installed by India Meteorological Department (IMD), New Delhi, are spreaded over seven districts of Uttarakhand, combined with the data from Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG) rain gauge located at Ghuttu, Garhwal Himalaya.

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“Environmental Legislation for Disaster Risk Management”, training module is based on the analysis of global context of environmental laws, policies and approaches of integrating environment and disaster risk management.

This publication addresses climate change and disaster management issues in South Asia, and more particularly in India.

This report is intended to provide an overview of the concept of ecosystem approach to disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), natural resource management and disaster linkages, incorporating Eco-DRR concepts in various phases of disaster management, including post disaster recovery in wide range of human and natural environmental settings.

The climate of the Indian Ocean is dominated by monsoon reversals, influencing hydrography and biogeochemistry of the Indian Ocean as well as land vegetation through changes in precipitation. During summer or southwest monsoon season, intense upwelling zones driven by Ekman spiral appear in the western and eastern parts of the Arabian Sea that enhance surface primary production and thus proliferation of distinct fauna and flora.

Climate change is the greatest challenge before the global society, impacting the ecology, economy and society in several ways. Changes related to the climate of Rajasthan are over and above the natural climate variability prevailing in this area. Studies have shown that Rajasthan falls within the areas of greatest climate sensitivity, maximum vulnerability and lowest adaptive capacity.

This document on chemical disaster management contains detailed descriptive lectures, talks of holistic disaster management (DM) framework, integration of chemical risk to holisitc and multi-hazard risk management, site assessment, legal framework, district level DM planning, as well as capacity building.

Rajasthan presents evidence for the existence of one of the most advanced works of ancient mining and accompanied deforestation globally. Mining continues to be an important economic activity in Rajasthan. However, economic benefits of mineral extraction also accompany environmental, economic and social costs.

Extreme climate events such as aridity, drought, flood, cyclone and stormy rainfall are expected to leave an impact on human society. They are also expected to generate widespread response to adapt and mitigate the sufferings associated with these extremes.

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