For decades, the object of international climate governance has been greenhouse gases, standardised to tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent. The ongoing inadequacy of decarbonisation efforts based on this system has prompted calls to expand the scope of international climate governance to include restrictions on the supply of fossil fuels.

As China’s government finalises the country’s 13th Five Year Plan for economic development (2016–2020), this article takes stock of recent changes in China’s economy and energy system since the turn of the century, and looks ahead to the likely trajectory of China’s emissions over the next decade.

The Paris climate conference provides an important opportunity to advance global cooperation toward a low-carbon future that greatly mitigates climate risks and helps countries adapt to those risks already locked-in. This paper has highlighted the keys to successful international climate cooperation in Paris and beyond.

Domestic economic gains from action to tackle climate change include improved air quality, increased energy efficiency, and clean technology innovation ‘spillovers’ says this paper released today by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and London School of Economics

China’s economy is undergoing a major structural transformation towards a new development model focused on achieving better quality growth that is more economically and environmentally sustainable, and achieves better social outcomes for the Chinese people.

The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) to provide a theoretical framework for analysing international climate policy architectures and their effectiveness, covering