So are green buildings really green? I want to follow up on our discussions on this critical issue. The building sector is set to grow exponentially.

One item on the agenda of the much-discussed Narendra Modi-Barack Obama meeting that has Indian commentators flummoxed is hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

There is no question that India and other parts of the still-under-construction world must build green.

Every year, like clockwork, India is caught between the spectre of months of crippling water shortages and drought and months of devastating floods.

Environmentalists are rightly alarmed that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government is busy dismantling the environmental regulatory system in the country.

It is a fact that our food is getting to be unhealthy - not because of deliberate adulteration, but because we are choosing to produce it in unsafe ways.

Smart is as smart does. The government's proposal to build 100 "smart" cities will work only if it can reinvent the very idea of urban growth in a country such as India.

Sixty people died in a building collapse in Chennai earlier this month. There is much more than the municipal incompetence that needs to be fixed to avoid such tragic incidents.

Mr Jaitley has fallen into the old trap of financing meaningless cleaning initiatives

Budget 2014-15 : A look at the big budget announcements for sustainability and what they mean (Blog by Sunita Narain)
