Public transport systems in cities in India are largely bus-based and operated by public agencies. The performance of these organisations on the financial front has been rather wanting. Several reasons

Independent regulatory agencies have become an important part of the governance landscape in India and elsewhere. Some regulators have achieved useful outcomes. However, the creation of independent sectoral regulators in India has not been accompanied by critical reflection on their role, or attention to the political, legal, and institutional contexts within which they operate.

The recall election in June in three municipal bodies in Chhattisgarh marked a national first in the call to accountability of non-performing representatives of the people. However, it is possible to use this provision to settle political scores as has been alleged in the Chhattisgarh case.

The State shows no sensitivity to the needs of the denotified and nomadic tribes who remain on the fringes of society. (Editorial)

Independent regulatory agencies have become an important part of the governance landscape in India and elsewhere. Some regulators have achieved useful outcomes. However, the creation of independent sectoral regulators in India has not been accompanied by critical reflection on their role, or attention to the political, legal, and institutional contexts within which they operate. This study explores various theoretical perspectives on the political economy of regulation, and elaborates on the implications these have for electricity and water regulation in India.

Gandhi has legions of admirers, but he has also been the target of severe, even virulent, criticism from numerous perspectives. Though Gandhi still commands veneration from many, he is also someone everyone loves to hate.

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There is growing recognition on the part of policymakers that cities play a crucial role in the national economy, and current policies mark a significant rupture from those followed over the years.

There is growing recognition on the part of policymakers that cities play a crucial role in the national economy, and current policies mark a significant rupture from those followed over the years.

Medical insurance is now being actively promoted by the government as a means of providing and covering the costs of healthcare. But such insurance is riddled with problems and faces some very India-specific constraints.

Thirty years have gone by since the
