Environmental quality assessment is essential for urban development. Rapid urbanisation has made it all the more essential now than before. But there is dearth of appropriate techniques to assess urban environment quality (UEQA). Here is a technique that is feasible, flexible and valid.

The idea behind the car factory in Singur was one of using market principles of growth to transform a predominantly agrarian society. This idea, envisaged by the state government, failed because it did not take into account the important aspect of the value of land to peasants and the dignity it accorded to them.


How reliable are the World Bank

The amalgamation of regional rural banks has been completed. This paper builds up a case against it. Amalgamation would be a death blow to the credit starved rural poor, most of whom are small and marginal farmers, agricultural and landless labourers, and artisans. The paper calls for an immediate de-amalgamation of RRBS in the interest of the vast majority of the rural poor.

This paper aims to shed light on the hitherto neglected issue of land in development. It examines the process of land market development in the former Punjab from when private ownership of land was established in mid-19th century, up to the present. It is found that as against the assumption of the classical rent theory, the price of land has been increasing much faster than rent.

This article discusses the nature and characteristics of monitoring the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

This study was undertaken to gain an understanding of the baseline water supply and sewerage services in Delhi, and assess consumer coping strategies and associated costs, their preferences for service improvements, willingness to pay and affordability for the preferred options.

A perusal of environment impact assessments for hydel projects in Uttarakhand brings out various deficiencies in the reports, and the unstudied manner in which such projects have been embarked upon. That many more of such projects have been proposed points to the muddled direction adopted for energy supply, reminding us of the hydropower story in the United States.

Poor quality drugs and inadequate protocols are endangering people
