A series of earthquakes that hit Ohio last year were caused by fracking, experts have claimed.

Local tour operator Fox Glacier Guiding has been unable to take tourists hiking since April because the glacial melt had caused the river to block access to a popular hiking trail.

The World Bank Sunday warned extreme weather will become the "new climate normal," increasing the risk of world instability.

The collapse of the Bronze Age was not a result of climate change, as had previously been thought, scientists have confirmed.

Although I was aware that the pollution caused by landfill couldn't be doing the environment much good, I hadn't realised quite how much the methane from such dumps contribute to global warming.

Air pollution caused by humans and resulting in high concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere affected annual monsoon rainfall in the northern hemisphere.

New Zealand scientists have analysed the climate models in extreme weather events in 2013 which reduced the country's economy by $1.3 billion.

A new study from Japan suggests that male foetuses may be particularly vulnerable to climate change, especially the extreme variations in temperature.

People's plunder and activity have caused a decline in wildlife population, a recent report says.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt approved over the weekend the $2.2 billion North Galilee Basin Rail project.
