This document by Right to Food Campaign Madhya Pradesh Support Group, highlights the drought situation persists in Bundelkhand. The situation is turning perilous. Bundelkhand is now, desperately in need of attitudinal change.

The City Development Plan for Bhopal deals with a comprehensive, cohesive and concise manner, all the important elements of governance in the form of themes: Urban Growth Management/ Development Planning, Urban Basic Services and Infrastructure, Transportation and Traffic Management, Housing and Slums, Urban Environment, Social Development, Urban Governance and Management and Urban Finance and Man

This health manifesto targeted at the political parties ahead of elections demands for effective measures to achieve the achieve the right to health, which includes the right not only to timely appropriate quality health care but also to the underlying socio economic and environmental determinants of health.

This article by Vikas Sambad presents the challenging situation faced by villagers of Bundelkhand. The impact of climate change is evidently visible in Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh.

Global warming has its impact on rainfall pattern, water resources, drought, agriculture, livestock and ultimately livelihood.

Madhya Pradesh Right to Food Campaign and Apda Niwaran Manch presents a field report on the status of Social Welfare Schemes in
Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh.

Right to Food Campaign Madhya Pradesh Support Group and Vikas Samvad presents the malnutrition reality in Madhya Pradesh.

It can't be termed development if the largest section of the society is bound to spend 55 to 70 percent of their gross income just to arrange their daily requirement of food. The farce of poverty identification is a big challenge before the goal of elimination of chronic hunger. Actually, according to Planning Commission

Money is increasing but food plate is becoming empty in Indian States!! At least latest trends of food consumption patterns are scathing new pictures of Chronic Hunger in one of the India

Sustainable forest management has become the necessity for any country to mitigate the environmental consequences and address the local concern. It has been an established fact that the sustainable development can be achieved through sustainable forest management. This country report is an attempt to compile and analyse the relevant data of the country on criteria and indicators of Bhopal-India process, which has semblance with the national working plan code and also with the C&I of ITTO process.

The Indian Institute of Forest Management has taken up a ITTO sponsored project on operationalisation of sustainable forestry development with community participation (following the C&I approach) in eight forest divisions in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. This document is a pioneer attempt to workout sustainability index based on indicators of forest management units of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh states.
