Climate change represents a new and somewhat daunting topic for many businesses. The challenge is compounded by the diverse and uncertain projections of changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, extreme events, and other effects. This paper outlines a sensible business approach to analyzing and adapting to the physical risks of climate change. It focuses on a critical first step in assessing these climate impacts: understanding the potential risks to business and the importance of taking action to mitigate those risks.

Barack Obama understands that while many factors are contributing to record oil prices, we must do everything we can to help ease the burden on struggling families in the near term while putting in place policies like conservation, development of alternative fuels and investments in new technologies to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reduce oil consumption by 35 percent, or 10 million bar

As the United States seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from motor vehicles and to lessen its dependence on imported oil, biofuels are gaining increasing attention as one possible solution. This paper offers an introduction to the current state of play for biofuels: the technologies used in their production, their GHG emissions, and associated policy issues.

Effort to develop a mandatory climate policy is accelerating and it seems likely that a national market-based strategy for dealing with climate change is on the near term horizon.

In the United States to date, most of the first genuine steps toward addressing the challenge of climate change have taken place at the state level. Many states have proceeded in a meaningful, comprehensive fashion while the federal government struggles to take its first significant step toward legislative or regulatory action. Yet it is clear that these state actions, even when taken together, are not enough to put the United States on a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the level deemed necessary by the science.

This report offers a comprehensive analysis of a suite of climate policy initiatives associated with a cap and trade program with the goal of identifying those empirical and design issues that most influence the economic consequences of their enactment. Empirically, present-value policy costs heavily depend on the actual outcomes of household consumption-saving and labor-leisure decisions, the magnitudes of and any induced changes in sectoral demand elasticities and technological trends, and the resulting time paths of permit prices and market interest rates.

The success of historically developed adaptation practices among the rural poor depends crucially on the nature of prevailing formal and informal rural institutions.

This report explains the failure of the world's biggest carbon offsets program to make a dent in greenhouse-gas emissions.

This report evaluates the initial trial phase of the EU Emissions Trading System and provides lessons for the EU moving forward as well as for the development of cap-and-trade programs in the United States.
