This Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Workforce Needs Assessment Survey was created to uncover some of the unique challenges facing this growing and diverse industry and, specifically, to obtain data regarding industry perceptions, growth projections, workforce needs, policy responses, favored/disfavored protocols, human capital needs and training practices, and other key developments related to

This paper describes policy options that could help
India reduce greenhouse gas emissions from coalfired electricity while meeting the country

Using existing international databases that track disaster occurrence and humanitarian costs, this research attempts to improve understanding of how climate change may affect

Mining industry has contributed immensely to the economic development of the State but in its wake has also caused environmental degradation. Since humans have to live within their environment, the process of development should be sustainable so that environmental quality is maintained within safe limits.

Will eating fresh produce increase your exposure to harmful pesticides? This fact sheet provides an overview of pesticide use on food crops in the United States and the latest USDA findings on pesticide residues. It summarizes some basic food preparation practices that can reduce your exposure to pesticide residues on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Pesticides are widely used in many areas of modern agriculture as they are considered economically important for high yield production. In today

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with natural gas make up nearly 18 percent of total U.S. GHG emissions. This report provides an overview of the different point-of-regulation options for covering greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas under a cap-and-trade program.

Identifying and quantifying pesticides in fruits and vegetables is important for public health and safety reasons. As sample loads increase, analysts look for ways to enhance the speed of sample preparation and analysis while maintaining high data quality. The United States Department of Agriculture has

Comparing the strategic priorities and policy principles of the World Commission on Dams, the sustainability guidelines and sustainability assessment protocol of the International Hydropower Association, and the performance standards of the World Bank

All transboundary water bodies create hydrological, social and economic interdependencies between societies. They are vital for economic development, reducing poverty and contributing to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
