This report prepared by DB Climate Change Advisors (Deutsche Bank Group) and Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, provides investors with an analysis of climate change policies and assigns a risk rating to 109 countries, states and regions based on key government mandates and supporting policy frameworks.

While developing countries face the most serious threats of any nations from the physical, economic and social impacts of climate change, there also exist enormous opportunities for these countries to adopt new technologies and sustainable development frameworks that will significantly reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

This latest study based on NASA satellite data says that groundwater levels in northern India have been declining by as much as one foot per year over the past decade and the loss is almost entirely due to human activity. Shows that more than 26 cubic miles of groundwater disappeared from aquifers in areas of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi, between 2002 and 2008.

Congestion is a problem in America

This discussion paper explores the potential for addressing conflict in the forest sector through the use of company-led tools and mechanisms. A major conflict issue for many is that of

The G8 and MEF Summits in L

This report from the

Given that China is already the world

In December 2009 representatives from 192 nations will meet in Copenhagen to complete negotiations on a global climate agreement. This paper summarizes why action in Copenhagen is urgently required, what needs to be accomplished in the negotiations, and how an effective climate regime might be designed.

If global policies intended to promote forest conservation continue to use the definition of
