This study, part of The Council’s ongoing work under GHG Platform India and supported by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, assesses eight policies and mitigation actions undertaken in the Indian state of Gujarat’s manufacturing sector.

This report provides context, and investigates the reasons for the higher cost of Indian solar modules. Further, it recommends key interventions needed to scale up domestic manufacturing of crystalline solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in India.

This report evaluates the 102 city-specific clean air plans in India approved under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). Based on an extensive review of global literature on clean air planning, this report identifies key components of a clean air plan.

Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. The idea of ‘leave no one behind’ is inherent to all the SDGs.

There is increasing recognition that infrastructure and related sectors are at risk due to climate change. Madhya Pradesh has embarked on creating a smart urban future. This presents opportunities for building Smart Cities across Madhya Pradesh to mainstream climate resilience into their Smart City Plans.

This brief evaluates the merits of using satellite observations in aiding air quality management. It identifies challenges in the effective application of satellite observations.

This study offers insights into Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) vis-à-via its effect on the economics of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh.

This study offers insights into Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) vis-à-via its effect on the economics of agriculture in Andhra Pradesh.

The Clean Cooking Energy Roadmap—developed in collaboration with NITI Aayog and GIZ— envisions to eliminate the use of all cooking arrangements that cause household air pollution (HAP) in India by 2025. It adopts a multi-fuel, multi-stakeholder approach, and is guided by principles of equity and inclusion.

This report, supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, explores various aspects of India’s transition to electric mobility. It examines the impact it would have on the automotive value chain, particularly on the automotive components industry and the jobs in this sector.
