Formerly entitled Global Employment Trends, the World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2015 includes a forecast of global unemployment levels and explains the factors behind this trend, including continuing inequality and falling wage shares.

This book helps connect the dots between economic theory, the role of capabilities, the lessons from history and the practical challenges of design and implementation of industrial policies. In so doing it provides an excellent policy roadmap for anyone interested in the challenge of promoting catch-up growth and productive transformation.

The uneven economic recovery and successive downward revisions in economic growth projections have had an impact on the global employment situation. Almost 202 million people were unemployed in 2013 around the world, an increase of almost 5 million compared with the year before.

A green economy is necessary if sustainable development is to be realized. However, as this report emphasizes, a green economy can also, if accompanied by the right policy mix, create more and better jobs, lift people out of poverty and promote social inclusion.

The annual Global Employment Trends report offers the latest global and regional information and projections on several indicators of the labour market, including employment, unemployment, working poverty and vulnerable employment.

This paper illustrates the environmental elements of a strategy towards the creation of sustainable enterprises by highlighting impacts on employment of different environmental instruments and policies.

The annual Global Employment Trends (GET) report provides the latest global and regional estimates of employment and unemployment, employment by sector, vulnerable employment, labour productivity and working poverty, while also analysing country-level issues and trends in the labour market.

In the current context of economic instability, young men and women today face increasing uncertainty in their hopes of making a satisfactory labour market transition. Clearly, the global economic crisis has further exposed the fragility of youth in the labour market.

Amid growing concerns over the impact of the economic downturn, the International Labour Office (ILO) warned in a new study called 'Accelerating action against Child Labour' that efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour are slowing down and called for a

The purpose of this brief is to highlight the close inter-linkages between climate change and the world of work. It aims to promote a better understanding between both spheres and greater coherence between climate, social and labour policies.
