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President Barack Obama on Tuesday unveiled an aggressive policy initiative to increase U.S. auto fuel efficiency and regulate auto emissions.

PRESIDENT Barack Obama wants US drivers to get better fuel efficiency and cause less damage to the environment

The tough U.S. fuel economy standards announced by President Barack Obama on Tuesday represents a bonanza for companies that supply hybrid technology and other gas-conserving components needed to meet the new benchmarks.

President Barack Obama's tough fuel economy program for vehicles could put another damper on the struggling ethanol business, because the alternative fuel packs a lower energy content than gasoline.

President Barack Obama announced the first national standard for greenhouse-gas emissions from automobiles and tougher fuel mileage standards that mark the most sweeping new regulation of the industry in decades.

President Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile emissions and mileage standards on Tuesday, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush administration.

The White House will unveil an auto fuel efficiency proposal on Tuesday to resolve a dispute between California and the US government over emissions and accelerate the timeframe for sharply improving mileage performance, industry and other sources said.

Canada's oil sands emit more carbon dioxide than average crude so developers need a clearer picture of where greenhouse gas regulations are headed to find the best way to tap the giant resource, experts said.

A scheme to give motorists 2,000 pounds to trade in their old banger for a new car comes into force on Monday.

The 300 million pound initiative, announced in April's budget, aims to boost the ailing car industry and give a boost to manufacturers.

Toyota Motor Corp said on Monday its new Prius had received pre-sale orders for 80,000 vehicles in Japan, kicking off what promises to be a fierce battle against hybrid rival Honda Motor Co.
