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New vehicle emission standards will likely be a boon for everything from aluminium to new plastics, but the producers of lithium -- a mineral used in batteries that power new generation vehicles -- could be the big winners.

A delegation of US lawmakers led by House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi will visit China in coming days to discuss international efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Pelosi, a Democrat, said on Friday that a bipartisan group of House members will be on the trip. However she did not provide details.

China's boom of coal-fired power plants is likely to slow after next year as excess capacity and then expanding renewable and nuclear energy sources kick in, a senior energy policy analyst said in an interview.

Australia's government defended its scheme to cut carbon emissions on Friday, amid mining industry warnings that its carbon trading plan would cost 23,000 resource sector jobs as the country battles recession.

Thimphu: Tata

LEADING automobile manufacturers are developing engines that run on compressed natural gas (CNG) as the availability of natural gas is expected to double by this yearend. The supply of natural gas is likely to go up to 200 mmscmd by this year with 80 mmscmd flowing from Reliance Industries

Smriti Kak Ramachandran
NEW DELHI: With an eye on arresting the Capital

JOWAI: A crematorium, designed by Kambel Chullai and constructed by the Sein Raij Jowai was inaugurated here on Thursday at Mookhein, Dulong Pohhali, Jowai by the Chief Secretary, Government of Meghalaya, Ranjan Chatterjee.

The U.S. government will reverse a Bush administration policy and increase the role of scientists in setting air standards for criteria pollutants harmful to human health, Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, said on Thursday.

The U.S. biofuels industry would be hamstrung if government regulators choose to use unfair and untested formulas that hold it responsible for greenhouse gases from crops overseas, ethanol groups said on Thursday.
