Around half of the world's critically endangered Saiga antelope have died suddenly in Kazakhstan since 10 May.

“Not a single animal survived in the affected herds,” the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, a United Nations-backed effort also known as CMS, said in a statement

International experts are investigating the sudden deaths of more than 100,000 endangered saiga antelope in Kazakhstan, raising fears that a species that has been around since the Ice Age may be at

The number of saiga plummeted in the 1990s as a result of poaching

South Sudan’s wildlife faces a critical few months as drier weather raises the risk of poaching of elephants and other species already threatened by almost a year of civil war, conservationists sai

The score of antelope is increasing in the Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, which has high tourism potentials.

The number of endangered black bucks (antelopes) has increased at Shuklaphanta Wild Life Reserve.

THE results of the 2013 census of herbivores in Gir forests are likely to be declared on Friday with officials hinting at an increase in the population of the wild animals that Asiatic lions in the

Herders of the Tibetan ethnic group are leading the charge in protecting grasslands and biodiversity in their communities, thanks to support from the government and environmental groups.

Every summer, Tibetan antelopes in China's remote northwest follow a certain pattern of migration that is key to the endangered species' survival.
