The government on Monday signed a technical assistance grant agreement of $1.2 million with the Asian Development Bank to help sustain incomes and livelihoods of people in the erosion-prone main ri

The Asian Development Bank has announced participation in its first Shariah-compliant project financing by providing assistance to two projects to build wind farms near Karachi, using two partial c

20-year master plan has been formulated for the development of the country’s road communication network.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has participated in its first Shariah-compliant project financing, providing assistance to two projects to build wind farms close to the port city of Karachi, using

Wind developers in Pakistan have raised $133m in finance needed to press on with 100MW of capacity in the country.

Uzbekistan has signed a deal with a consortium of foreign banks to obtain loans worth a total of $2.54 billion to build a gas and chemicals complex on its Surgil field, state oil and gas company Uz

In major development, the Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide huge funding amounting to $ 1.14 billion for converting the costly diesel run public sector power plants in

Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India to finalise agreement on transit fee next week.

The government has got a commitment of $8.3 million (around Rs 720.93 million) grant under the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is faced with the catch-22 situation after the National Accountability Bureau has raised 22 objections on the transparency of the Rs.6.5 billion LED streetli
