Global positioning systems will now be part of all auto-rickshaws in the city as the Delhi high court on Monday upheld the government’s notification for installation of GPS in auto-rickshaws. A bench of Acting Chief Justice A.K. Sikri and Justice R.S. Endlaw rejected the plea of the auto drivers’ association against GPS installation, saying the same is in line with the global trend.

Dismissing the plea that the State Transport Authority (STA) was not empowered to issue the notification for GPS installation, the bench said, “We don’t see anything wrong in requiring the auto rickshaws to be GPS/GPRS and printer fitted. The same is in consonance with what is happening in the rest of the world.

Investors may be offered 50% rebate on land cost besides other sops

Odisha, which is looking to diversify its investment basket beyond core metallurgical industries, has readied the draft of its proposed auto component policy to woo investors in the sector. With such policy already in vogue in peer states like Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Haryana and Karnataka, the Odisha government does not wish to miss out on the huge potential offered by the buoyant auto component sector.

Planning Commission constituted a Working Group on Automotive Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Heavy Industry. Three sub-groups one each on Automotive Mission Plan (AMP), Auto Component and Electric Mobility were constituted.

The government is contemplating to bring a policy to promote electric vehicles in the country, for which an inter-ministerial group is conducting a feasibility study.

The policy, which is aimed at providing guidelines on how to promote electric and alternative fuel vehicles in the country, is likely to be finalised this financial year.

The US is set to move closer to a car scrappage scheme with a provision to be included in a controversial climate change bill.

The agreed scheme will offer rebates of $3,500- $4,500 on old vehicles traded in for more fuel-efficient new ones, according to one person familiar with the negotiations. The level of rebate will depend on the fuel efficiency of the new models.

This study analyses the determinants of competitiveness in the Indian auto industry. It is based on a field survey and a quantitative analysis of secondary data. The field survey covers 45 firms all over India, of which 31 are auto-component firms and 14 are Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

The European Commission has for the first time adopted proposals to encourage the development as well as marketing of clean and safe hydrogen cars. Brussels however acknowledged that the technology

As per the auto fuel policy released this year, vehicles running in cities must meet Euro iii emission norms, apparently very stringent, by April 1, 2005. Apparently , because vehicle manufacturers say their products are already up to the Euro iii mark

When I think of the government s newly cleared Auto Fuel Policy, the image of Nero fiddling while Rome burnt comes to mind. The document apparently sets the roadmap to meet clean air targets in

Transport ministry wants early review of National Auto Fuel Policy to highlight obstacles
